( 2005年1月28日 )
[共同社记者]: 我想问有什么新鲜的内容?就是中国领导人没有讲过的内容在什么地方?
[王在希]: 刚才我讲的这些内容,应该说在很多方面是具有新意的。比方说关于制定《反分裂国家法》的考虑是第一次正式地对立法的背景和意图做了说明,而且这里面也包含了一些重要的立法的内容。关于两岸关系的定位问题、两岸现状的定位问题,也是第一次明确地对两岸关系的现状表明了我们的看法,这就是世界上只有一个中国,大陆和台湾同属于一个中国,尽管两岸尚未统一,但是,台湾和大陆同属于一个中国的事实没有改变。
[台湾中天电视台记者]: 第一个问题,我们注意到您刚刚在评价贾主席谈话的时候,特别提到一点,就是关于对民进党的政策,我想请教您,这是不是代表大陆方面对民进党的政策有所改变?第二个问题,这篇讲话中有非常多关于未来在谈判上可以开辟的新途径以及对民进党政策的改变,想请您评价一下,相对于去年提出的“5.17声明”有什么不同?是不是代表有很大的善意在里面?
[王在希]: 首先,我想表示,贾主席在讲话中有关对民进党政策的宣示,不是我们对它政策的改变,而是对民进党的政策更加具体、更加明确了。过去,钱其琛副总理在纪念江泽民八项主张的座谈会上也曾经表示过,我们欢迎广大的民进党中下层成员以适当的名义到大陆来参观、访问。这次贾主席在讲话中明确地对民进党提出了我们的立场,就是只要他们放弃“台独党纲”,停止“台独”分裂活动,我们就愿意做出正面的回应,而且可以与他们接触、交往。这个政策不是改变,我认为是更加具体、更加明确了。
[合众社记者]: 我有两个问题。第一个问题,刚才您提到《反分裂国家法》有关的情况,我们想了解《反分裂国家法》中对于中国的统一,有没有制定一个最后期限?因为现在有一些报道称,已经制定了2020年的期限,在那一年要实现中国的统一。所以我想向您求证一下,在制定《反分裂国家法》中是否有这样一个最后期限?这个期限到底存在与否?第二个问题,有关第七段,刚才您介绍贾主席表示:“谁愿意为两岸协商发挥作用,我们就愿意与谁谈”,我想问一下“与谁谈”是否也包括外国或者国际组织?比如说美国或者欧盟愿意发挥作用的国家和组织?
[王在希]: 全国人大常委会已经通过了《反分裂国家法》的草案,这个草案将正式递交3月5日召开的全国人大进行审议,并将在全国人大结束之前审议通过,因为这部法律主要的定位是反对“台独”分裂,它不是国家统一法,而是反分裂国家法。当然,这部法律也会强调国家最终实现统一的方向和目标,但是,这部法律要解决的问题主要是反对和遏制不断升级的“台独”分裂活动,因为“台独”分裂活动正在严重的影响到台海和亚太地区的和平与稳定,严重的影响到我们经济发展的战略机遇期。所以,反对和遏制“台独”分裂是我们的当务之急。我想,这部法律主要是要强调如何有效地遏制“台独”分裂活动。
[《纽约时报》记者]: 我有两个问题。第一个问题,刚才您提到在与台湾的关系和交往的过程中,一个中国的原则是前提条件,但同时我们也知道,台湾方面的立场是希望能够在一些国际组织当中有它的代表性或者代表地位。设想,如果台湾承认一个中国的原则,中国是否也愿意与台湾探讨台湾在国际组织代表性的问题?第二个问题,我们知道今天贾庆林主席发表讲话的场合是在纪念江主席发表有关讲话十周年的纪念大会上,既然是这样的场合,我想问胡主席的重要性何在?
[王在希]: 第一个问题,只要台湾当局承认体现一个中国原则的“九二共识”,承认台湾和大陆同属于一个中国的事实,我们就可以和台湾方面讨论与台湾的身份相适应的在国际社会的经济、文化和社会的活动空间问题,这一点我们过去就明确的宣示过我们的立场,至今我们没有改变。
[台湾《中国时报》记者]: 我有两个问题请教王主任。第一个问题,贾主席讲话中提到只要民进党放弃“台独党纲”,停止“台独”分裂活动,大陆愿意做出正面回应。请王主任详细说明一下大陆准备做出哪些正面回应?第二个问题,大陆这次把对两岸关系的定位说得很清楚,但是我不太懂,大陆定位是两岸尚未统一,但是我感觉统一是未来式,还没有到未来,把它定义为现在,感觉到很奇怪,这方面的现状大陆怎样看,请给以更详细的说明?另外,维持现状是不是大陆现在的选择?谢谢。
[王在希]: 贾主席在讲话中表示的:只要民进党放弃“台独党纲”,停止“台独”分裂活动,就可以做出正面回应,具体怎么回应?我想你只要看一下去年“5.17声明”,我们在那个声明中具体提出了,如果陈水扁承认一个中国原则,停止“台独”分裂活动的话,提出了七项愿景,也就是说我们可以商谈结束敌对状态的问题,包括建立两岸军事互信机制的问题,包括两岸经贸进一步发展给予台湾CEPA地位的问题,包括台湾中南部农产品可以到大陆出口的问题等等。所以,只要陈水扁当局能够真正地放弃“台独党纲”,停止所有的“台独”分裂活动,我们一定会做出正面的回应。当然,这种具体的回应要看台湾当局的举动而定。谢谢。
[CCTV记者]: 第一个问题,明天今年春节包机就要正式开始了,您对这件事做如何的评价?第二个问题,在促成春节包机的过程当中,大陆方面已经释放了极大的善意,今后在处理类似的问题上,是否会以同样积极的态度来促成台胞关系的问题?谢谢。
[王在希]: 在两岸同胞的共同努力下,台商春节包机明天就要开始启动,我认为这是一件值得庆贺的事情,和2003年台商包机相比,这次有三个方面的突破:第一,过去只允许台湾的民航机飞到大陆,而这次同时达成了大陆的民航机飞到台湾岛内;第二,过去台湾包机飞到大陆,必须在香港、澳门落地,这次尽管也要落到香港、澳门,但是“不落地”,在一定意义上真正实现了直航;第三,实现了多点开放,过去包机只有在台北和上海之间两点一线,这次除了上海之外,北京、广州也成为春节包机的机场。在台湾岛内,除了台北以外,南部还有高雄机场,这样就为台胞返乡过年提供了非常便利的条件。
At the press conference sponsored by the State Council
Information Office on January 28, 2005, Wang Zaixi,
vice minister of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State
Council, briefed the press on the assembly held in Beijing
on Friday to mark the 10th anniversary of a speech delivered
on January 30, 1995 by Chinese leader Jiang Zemin on
the Taiwan issue. He also answered the questions from
the press.
Speech by Wang Zaixi, Vice Minister of Taiwan Affairs
Office of the State Council
January 28, 2005
Respected Media Friends:
Good afternoon!
This afternoon, representatives from all walks of life
in Beijing attended the convention commemorating the
10th anniversary of the "eight-point proposal"
put forward by Comrade Jiang Zemin, at which Chairman
Jia Qinglin of the National Committee of the CPPCC delivered
an important speech. In his address, Chairman Jia summarized
the basic features of the development of cross-Straits
relations in the past decade, elaborated how the new
Chinese government perceives the current situation across
the Straits as well as where it stands on major issues
in cross-Straits relations. Here I'd like to make a
brief introduction of the most important views on cross-Straits
relations contained in Chairman Jia's speech.
1. On our basic views on current cross-Straits relations.
In the speech, Chairman Jia pointed out that personnel,
economic and cultural exchanges across the Taiwan Straits
is under continuous development, but in the meantime
the "Taiwan independence" activities has escalated.
To resolutely stop "Taiwan independence" activities,
maintain peace in the Taiwan Straits and ensure a steady
growth of the cross-Straits relations is the common
task for the compatriots on both sides. Chairman Jia
stressed that of all the escalating "Taiwan independence"
activities, the most dangerous and destructive has been
the Taiwan authorities' attempt to realize "de
jure independence of Taiwan" through the so-called
"constitutional reform." That is, to change
the status quo that both the mainland and Taiwan belong
to one and the same China and cut Taiwan from China
by means of referendum and "constitutional reengineering."
We can never tolerate this.
2. On the basic policy and propositions of the Chinese
Government towards Taiwan. In the speech, Chairman Jia
solemnly stated that the Chinese government remains
firmly committed to the basic policy of "peaceful
reunification and one country, two systems" and
comprehensively implements the eight-point proposal
on the development of cross-Straits relations and the
promotion of peaceful reunification for the current
stage. We will continue to do our utmost with maximum
sincerity for the prospect of a peaceful reunification.
However, we will never allow anyone to separate Taiwan
from China by whatever means. This position of ours
is both consistent and unswerving.
3. Further elaboration on China's considerations for
enacting the anti-secession law. In the speech Chairman
Jia pointed out that this law will uphold the basic
policy of "peaceful reunification and one country,
two systems" and the eight-point proposal, put
in a codified form the policies of our government over
the past 20 years and more for a peaceful solution to
the Taiwan question, embody our consistent policy of
utmost efforts for a peaceful reunification. It will
include principles and guidelines on the settlement
of the Taiwan question, such as measures to encourage
and facilitate personnel, economic and cultural exchanges,
including direct trade, mail, and air and shipping services,
while protecting the legitimate rights and interests
of the Taiwan compatriots. It also includes steps for
cross-Straits consultation and negotiations, stressing
that any subject can be put on table on the basis of
the one China principle. It will, in the meantime, demonstrate
the common will of the Chinese people to safeguard China's
sovereignty and territorial integrity. The Anti-Secession
Law is designed to promote cross-Straits relations and
the prospect of a peaceful reunification. It will help
efforts to safeguard China's sovereignty and territorial
integrity, oppose and contain Taiwan's secession from
China, maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits,
and advance the fundamental interests of the Chinese
nation on the whole.
4. On China's stance towards safeguarding the rights
and interests of the Taiwan compatriots. Chairman Jia
expressed the genuine feeling of affinity for the Taiwan
compatriots. He stressed that the Chinese government
will make strenuous efforts to address issues bearing
on the immediate interests of the Taiwan compatriots.
In future, just as we handled the matter of chartered
flights for Taiwan business people during the Spring
Festival season this year, we will vigorously facilitate
efforts in finding solutions to issues to the concern
of our Taiwan compatriots, such as sales of Taiwan's
agricultural products on the mainland. We will exert
our utmost effort to do whatever is conducive to the
Taiwan compatriots, to closer cross-Straits exchanges,
to peace in the Taiwan Straits, and to the development
of cross-Straits relations and the prospect of a peaceful
5. On how to define the status quo in cross-Straits
relations. Since the Taiwan authorities try to distort
the status quo of one China and various parties have
concerns over how the Chinese government defines the
current relationship between the mainland and Taiwan,
Chairman Jia made further elaboration on the fact that
both the mainland and Taiwan belong to one and the same
China. He pointed out that though the two sides not
yet reunited, the fact has never changed that both the
mainland and Taiwan belong to one and the same China.
This is the status quo in the cross-Straits relations.
6. On cross-Straits negotiations. In the speech, Chairman
Jia expressed our sincerity in working actively towards
resuming and conducting cross-Straits negotiations on
the basis of one China. We are open on who to negotiate
with and what to negotiate. He makes it clear that we
have no bias against any particular person to talk to,
nor will we hesitate to talk just because some one has
come to power. What we are concerned about is his policies
and his attitude towards the existing basis of cross-Straits
negotiations. Regardless of his past rhetoric and actions,
as long as he starts now to unequivocally recognize
the 1992 consensus that upholds the one China principle,
the cross-Straits dialogue and negotiations could resume
right away, and any matter could be put on the table.
7. On promotion of cross-Straits consultations. Chairman
Jia made it clear that we will not give up our efforts
for negotiations simply because the Taiwan authorities
are not willing to negotiate. We stand ready to talk
with whoever willing to play a part in cross-Straits
consultations. He says that we are also ready to explore
new ways of problem solving through consultation with
all political parties, organizations and representative
personalities in Taiwan who recognize the 1992 consensus,
oppose "Taiwan independence" and support the
development of cross-Straits relations. They are welcome
to visit the mainland for exchanges of views on issues
such as "three direct links," arrangement
for closer economic relations and trade and all matters
of concern to the compatriots on both sides, so as to
move forward the cross-Straits relations.
8. On our policy towards the Democratic Progressive
Party (DPP). Chairman Jia said, we are always of the
view that the vast DPP membership is different from
the handful of "Taiwan independence" die-hards.
The DPP members are welcome to visit the mainland in
a proper capacity. We are also of the view that any
ruling party in the Taiwan region must not go after
partisan selfishness, but set great store by the interests
of the Taiwan compatriots. As long as the DPP relinquishes
its "Taiwan independence constitution" and
stops its separatist activities, we are willing to respond
positively by making contacts with it.
9. Appreciation for the international community's adherence
to the policy of one China. Chairman Jia stated that
the universal recognition of the one China policy by
the international community contributes to greater peace
and stability in the Taiwan Straits and the Asia-Pacific
Region as a whole. We greatly appreciate this. And we
sincerely hope that the countries concerned would earnestly
honor their commitments to the government on the question
of Taiwan. A peacefully reunified China will not pose
a threat to any country, rather it will make a greater
contribution to peace and development in the world.
Thank you!