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教育部部长 周 济










( 2005年1月27日 )

  [《中国日报》记者]:周部长,您好 。您刚才在讲话中提到今年要继续把农村教育摆在重中之重的位置,请问有哪些具体措施来继续推进农村教育?谢谢。


  2003年,国务院召开了全国农村教育工作会议 ,这是建国以来第一次召开这样的会议。从那以后,我们把主要的精力和财力放在加强农村义务教育,特别是西部农村义务教育上,取得了很大的成绩。但是,我们也清醒地认识到任重而道远,这是一个光荣而艰巨的任务。



  我想特别强调一下,我们要进一步巩固以县为主的管理体制这个问题 。现在有一种误解,认为以县为主的管理体制就是由县级政府主要负担教育费用,这种理解是错误的。以县为主是指我们农村教育的事权、人权、财权都以县级政府为主来进行统筹管理。而事实上这并不意味着它的财政支出是由县级财政来负担的。相反,我们中西部大部分农业地区,它的农村义务教育的财政支出是由中央、省、市和县四级进行分担的,而且中央财政和省级财政将会担当更多的任务。以县为主就是要把中央和省级财政这部分转移支付的资金交由县级政府统筹管理切实落实到各个学校。事权、财权、人权的集中管理取得了很好的效果,这是我们今后相当一段时间内要推进的农村义务教育的管理体制。我们会继续巩固这个体制,还要积极地资助农村家庭经济困难的学生来接受义务教育,逐渐在全国推进家庭困难学生的“两免一补”,就是免除书本费、杂费和接受生活补助。
























  第一个是我们在中国这样一个拥有13亿人口的发展中大国,实现了基本普及九年义务教育、基本扫除青少年文盲,这是一个伟大的历史性成就。我们访问过巴西、印度,访问过一系列的发展中国家,巴西现在人均GDP 是3000美元,但是它在普及九年义务教育方面比我们还差得远。我说这个话的意思是,在中国这样一个国家里教育实现了超前发展,在13亿人口这样一个人口大国,我们普及九年义务教育是一个了不起的历史成就。



















  2005年,是中国向全面建设小康社会宏伟目标继续迈进的重要一年。做好2005年教育工作,最重要的就是要以科学发展观统领教育工作全局。我们将牢固树立和认真落实科学发展观,坚持 “巩固、深化、提高、发展”的方针,将提高质量放在更加突出的重要位置,深入推进实施《2003-2007年教育振兴行动计划》,统筹教育规模、质量、结构、效益的协调发展,统筹各级各类教育的协调发展,统筹城乡教育和区域教育的协调发展,统筹教育事业的改革、发展和稳定,紧紧抓住新的发展机遇,着力推动改革创新,促进教育事业全面、协调、可持续发展,努力办好让人民满意的教育。今年,我们将重点做好六个方面的工作:




  基础教育课程改革是推进素质教育的关键环节。 我们将继续扩大义务教育阶段课程改革成果,稳步推进高中课程改革实验,切实减轻中小学生课业负担,重点做好三项工作:一是认真研究新旧课程平稳过渡办法,做好新课程与中考、高考的衔接工作。二是改进和完善教材编写、审定和选用制度。三是抓紧建立起基础教育质量监控体系和评估制度。为进一步推进基础课程改革,教育部将设立全国基础教育教育教学指导委员会。



  加强农村教育是一项长期而又艰巨的历史任务。2005年要重点在三个方面继续推进。一是加大 “两基”攻坚力度,确保“国家西部地区‘两基’攻坚计划”制定的各项措施的落实。落实寄宿制学校建设工程等各项工程建设资金,组织实施好农村中小学现代远程教育工程。采取“以奖代补”等措施,加大对中部地区特别是粮食主产区义务教育工作的支持力度,推动中部各省进一步加大,巩固提高中部地区农村义务教育。鼓励东部经济发达农村地区实现高质量、高水平“普九”。


  三是切实加强农村教师队伍建设。推动各地落实和用好教师编制,严把教师入口关,进一步完善农村学校教师考核、聘任制度;积极推进中小学人事制度改革,安排城镇教师到农村任教,促进教师流动;广泛开展中小学教师全员培训, 进一步提高农村教师队伍素质。大力加强师德建设。
















  二是切实加强校园安全工作, 积极探索建立维护校园安全新机制,进一步净化校园周边和网络等青少年成长空间,为青少年学生健康成长营造更加良好的环境。




At the press conference sponsored by the State Council Information Office on January 27, 2005, Zhou Ji, minister of Education, briefed the press on outline and actions of China's education reform and development in 2005. He also answered the questions from the press.

Speech by Zhou Ji, Minister of Education

January 27, 2005


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!

It gives me great pleasure to meet you all again just before the coming of the traditional Chinese New Year. Over the past 12 months, the reform and development of education in China received heartwarming concern and support from the whole society, and substantial attention and care from the press. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to you all.

In the year 2004, under the competent leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and through the guidance of Deng Xiaoping's Theory and the Important Thought of 'the Three Represents', the education sector made remarkable progress through full-scale implementation of the Action Plan of the Invigoration of Education 2003-2007. We consolidated past achievements, deepened reform, upgraded quality, maintained sustainable development, achieved breakthroughs in all fields of our work, and made renewed progress in the reform and development of education.

First, compulsory education in rural areas has been strengthened and promoted substantially and the Breakthrough Program in western China saw a good beginning in tackling the most difficult tasks of the 'two basics' (that is, basic popularization of nine-year compulsory education and basic elimination of illiteracy among the young and the middle-aged). We continued to make compulsory education in rural areas a top priority within the overall education work and pushed the development of compulsory education in rural areas to a new height through concentrating our energy and resources. In the year of 2004, the Central Government earmarked 10 billion RMB Yuan into rural area for compulsory education, a 72 percent rise over the figure in 2003. The Project of Building Rural Boarding Schools and the Modern Distance Education Project for the Rural Schools progressed smoothly.

Second, taking advantage of the historical opportunities when the No. 8 and No. 16 Circular of the CPC Central Committee were issued, we effectively strengthened the ideological and moral education for primary and secondary school students and the ideology and political education for the college students.

Third, we focused on the steady expansion in the scale of higher education and in the mean time significantly raised its quality. To date, the total on-campus student population exceeds 20 million. The gross enrolment rate of higher education reaches 19 percent. Research in philosophy and social sciences, technological innovation, and commercialization of new and high-tech have been pushed forward.

Fourth, we advanced reform and development in the field of vocational education through adapting the job-oriented approaches. The capacity of vocational education in serving the economic and social development has been reinforced.

Fifth, we stuck to the "putting people first" principle, and concentrated on solving problems of common concern in the educational sector:

2 We gave a great deal of attention to the employment of university graduates;
2 In order to tackle the financial difficulties of students from the poor families in schooling and living, we enlarged the scope of allocating free textbooks, and revised the State Student Loans policy for university students and the mechanism of giving financial aid to the students from poor families;
2 We launched a massive campaign in addressing the students' safety issue in primary schools, secondary schools and kindergartens;
2 The "one fee for all" approach was implemented nationwide and random charge of fees was redressed. Behaviors of unlawful
enrollment of students were penalized.

Sixth, to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC National Congress, we strengthened human resources development in the whole educational system. Besides, new progress has been made in areas such as non-government schools, international education cooperation and exchanges, and governing and administration by law.

The year of 2005 is an important year both for our endeavor in building a well-off society in an all-round way and for promoting reform and development in education. To achieve our objectives of 2005, the most important thing is the application of the scientific viewpoints of development in our strategic planning and in all aspects of work in the reform and development of education. While sticking to the principle of "putting people first," we will hold fast the guidelines 'consolidating achievements, deepening reform, upgrading quality, and making sustainable development' and put the upgrading of quality in the most prominent position. We will make overall plans as regards such elements as scale, quality, structure and efficiency of education, striving to achieve a coordinated development of education of all types and at all levels; striving to achieve a coordinated development of education between urban and rural areas and among different regions. Attention will be paid to the balancing of reform, development and stability. To further map the reform and development of education, we are going to work on the drafting of the 2020 Outline for Education Development and the Eleventh Five-Year Plan for Education.

In the year of 2005, we will mainly concentrate on the following six major areas:

Firstly, we will continue to make rural education a top priority and spare no efforts in speeding up the reform and development of the rural education. We will forge ahead to tackle the formidable tasks of universalizing the "Two Basis" in western China and push forward rural compulsory education in the central part of China on top of what has been achieved.

Second, we will carry out to the letter the requirements as stipulated in the No. 8 and No. 16 Circulars of the CPC Central Committee and requirements put forward by government meetings on education. Paying equal attention to "cultivating the whole person as the ultimate goal, putting moral education as first priority" so as to strengthen and improve ideology and ethnic education for primary and secondary school students and ideology and political education for college students.

Third, we will speed up the development of vocational education in an all-round manner by the job-oriented manner and through reform and innovation in vocational education.

Fourth, in the field of higher education, we will continue to steadily develop higher education, build up world-class universities, improve quality, scientific innovation capability, and community service.

Fifth, we will step up educational reform and opening up to the world, perfect the education input mechanism and raise the effectiveness in educational investment.

Sixth, we will further promote equal access to education and tackle the thorny problems facing education. We will further putting into place the policies on providing financial aid to students from the poor families; enhance the campus security; lay more emphasis on the employment issue of university graduates; redress random charge of fees by schools, and thoroughly check irregularities in the sector of education.

The building of a well-off society in an all-round way depends on the availability of talents; yet the key to the cultivation of talents lies in education. Education bears on tens of thousands of households and hundreds of millions of students. People in the educational sector all realize the immensity of our responsibility and the loftiness of our mission. Under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee headed by Secretary General Hu Jintao, we will deepen our understanding of, and firmly carry out the scientific viewpoints of development, promote the all-round, coordinated and sustainable development of education of various types and at all levels, and run an education to the heart's content of the people, so as to make greater contribution to the building of a well-off society in an all-round way and to the rejuvenation of our country.

Now, I am ready to take your questions. Thank you!

Outline and Actions of China's Education Reform and Development in 2005

January 27, 2005


The year 2004 has seen rapid, healthy and sustained development of Chinese education. Guided by the Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thoughts of the "Three Represents", the education system of the country learn and implement thoroughly the spirits of the 16th CPC National Congress and its third and fourth plenary sessions, consolidate achievements, deepen reforms, improve quality, develop continuously and carry forward in full scale the Action Plan of The Invigoration of Education 2003-2007. New progress has been accomplished in education reform and development.
First, priority was given to improving compulsory education in rural areas and the Breakthrough Program of the "Two Basics" in Western China was carried out down-to-earth. While implementing the Decisions of the State Council on Further Improving Education in Rural Areas, governments and education authority at all levels held rural compulsory education as top priority in the all education affairs, as strategic priority in execution of the new Action Plan of The Invigoration of Education. The requirement of the Central Government on investing the majority of the increased education funds in rural education was employed earnestly. Main efforts and more financial resources were pooled to advance development of rural compulsory education. The relevant departments of the Central Government put forward a series of important policies and measures to support development of rural education, such as further perfecting the county-based rural compulsory education administration system and further increasing financial input in rural compulsory education. In 2004, all earmarked funds of the Central Government's input in rural compulsory education reached 10 billion RMB yuan, an increase of 72 percent over 2003. Governments and education authority at all local levels coordinated all efforts in improving rural compulsory education.
In February 2004, the General Office of the State Council convened a national conference on Breakthrough of the "Two Basics" in Western China. The State Commission of Development and Reform, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Education cooperated closely and established a work mechanism. In July 2004, the Central Government signed an accountability agreement on breakthrough of the "Two Basics" individually with the People's Government of the 12 western provinces (autonomous regions and municipality) and the Production and Construction Corps of the People's Liberation Army in Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region, and kicked off at the same time the Project of Building Rural Boarding Schools. The central finance will invest 10 billion RMB yuan into this project to build 7,730 boarding schools for 2.03 millions students in 955 counties of the country (the majority in western and poverty-stricken areas) in the following four years. In the future, students in these areas will no longer walk a long way or tramp over hill and dale every day to school. They will be able to study in spacious and well-lit classrooms and stay in safe and comfortable dormitories.

The Modern Distance Education Project for Rural Schools entered into full-scale implementation after accomplishment of the pilot stage, with the purpose of constructing a modern distance education network covering all rural schools in the whole country. The central finance will invest 5 billion RMB yuan to subsidize mainly the central and western rural areas. This project aims at student application, will equip rural junior secondary school with a basic computer laboratory, rural primary school with a set of basic satellite receiving facility, and rural teaching site of primary school with a basic VCD player and a complete set of VCD teaching materials.

In addition, the second phase of the State Compulsory Education Project in Poor Areas and the Renovation Project of Dilapidated Buildings in Primary and Secondary Schools continued to be carried out. Both projects have helped building a number of well-equipped primary and secondary schools in poor and minority-inhabited areas, and have promoted change of relatively underdeveloped situation of education in these areas.

Second, the ideological and moral education of the adolescents has been strengthened. After issuance of the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Further Enhancing and Improving Ideological and Moral Education of the Minors and the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Further Enhancing and Improving Ideological and Political Education of College Students, a grand discussion on educational ideology was launched involving cadres and teachers of the country's education system; a month-long campaign of educating and carrying forward national ethos in elementary and secondary schools was carried out extensively; the Rules and Regulations of School Students and the Code of Everyday Behaviors of School Students were revised promptly. All these efforts have given full play of schools as main channel, main front and main classroom for ideological and moral education of the minors. For the purpose of promoting a healthy growth of young students and thoroughly implementing the CPC's guiding principle for education, the five requirements on alleviating too heavy homework burden of students under the new situation were put into practice conscientiously in the whole country. Great efforts were also made to carry out the piloting of new compulsory education curriculum, to promote competence-oriented education, and to facilitate an all-rounded growth of students morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically. Up to now, new school students of compulsory education in 90 percent of the counties in the country began to use the new curriculum. In January 2005, the CPC Central Committee convened the National Conference on Further Enhancing and Improving Ideological and Political Education of College Students, which mapped out the action plan for the next stage. Higher education institutions have all launched new efforts in this regard.

Third, the teaching quality of higher education institutions has been improved progressively; continuous progress has been achieved in construction of high-level universities, key subject areas and training of advanced-level talents; higher education developed unremittingly, steadily and healthily. In 2004, higher education institutions of the country enrolled 4.473 million freshmen, an increase of 17.5 percent over the previous year; graduate programs enrolled 326,000 new students, an increase of 57,000 over 2003. At present, the total enrolment of higher education is more than 20 million, and the gross enrollment rate reached 19 percent. In the meanwhile, the career service of college graduates has been improved. By September 1, 2004, the employment rate of college graduates of the whole country reached 73 percent, a 3 percentage higher than that of the same time of 2003.

Fourth, vocational education has seen accelerated development as well as reforms, and improved capability in serving the economic growth and social development. By persisting in service-aiming and job-oriented guiding principle, vocational schools at all levels and in all localities put into practice vigorously the Project of Training Direly-needed Skilled Manpower for Manufacturing and Modern Service Industries and the Project of Training for Migrant Rural Labor, strengthened cooperation with enterprises and the labor market. Actions were also taken to further improve resource deployment and distribution structure of vocational schools, and to deepen reforms of administrative and schooling systems. A good momentum is obtained. In 2004, the secondary vocational education schools enrolled 5.48 million new students with the total enrollment reaching 136.8 million. The tertiary vocational education colleges enrolled a total of 5.957 million students, over 1 million more than that of previous year.

Fifth, great efforts were made to improve educational provision meeting the satisfaction to the people; high priority was attached to meeting special learning and living needs of students from poor families and issues of people's concern. In autumn of 2004, the central finance earmarked funds to provide free textbooks for 24 million students of compulsory education from poor families in the central and western region. Governments at all local levels adopted measures in executing the policy of "Two Exemptions and One Subsidy". All these efforts have enabled more children to feel the special care of the CPC and the government and the warmth of the grand socialist family. Actions were taken to implement the decisions made in the National TV and Telephone Conference on Subsidizing College Students from Poor Families, such as further improving the policy system of the National Student Loan Program, providing National Scholarships to excellent students from poor families, carrying out the policy of investing 10 percent of university tuition revenue in subsidizing students from poor families, so as to make sure that no student drops out because of financial difficulty of the family. In order to consolidate and further the achievements of rectifying the random charges by schools, starting from the autumn of 2004, the "One Fee for All" was put into practice vigorously in compulsory education all over China to control and regulate strictly collection of fee by schools, to really alleviate the people's, especially the farmer's, burden for education and carry out the responsibility of the government in provision of compulsory education, and to promote a healthy and sustained development of compulsory education in the country. In the meanwhile, a special rectifying campaign was conducted to improve security of schools and kindergartens with efforts made to screen the hidden security issues within the campus, to further refine the surroundings of the campus and network environment, so as to create favorable conditions for healthy growth of young students.

The year 2005 is an important year for China to march toward the lofty goal of building a well-off society in an all-rounded manner. To make the work in education conducive to the accomplishment of the goal, the most important thing for us is to undertake our work in scientific viewpoints of development. We will firmly establish and seriously implement the scientific viewpoints of development, stick to the guidelines of "consolidating, deepening, upgrading and developing", place quality improvement at a more conspicuous and important position, further push forward the implementation of the Action Plan for the Invigoration of Education in 2003-2007, aim for a balanced development of scale, quality, structure and efficiency of education, of various types of education at all levels, of education between rural and urban areas as well as among different regions in the country, coordinate the reform, development and stability of education, concretely grasp new opportunities for development, make special efforts to put forward reform and innovation, so as to promote a full-scale, coordinated and sustained development of education. We will spare no efforts to improve educational provision meeting satisfaction of the people. To this end, we will work on the following 6 priorities this year:

I. Stick to the principle of "cultivating the whole person as the ultimate goal, putting moral education as first priority", put competence-oriented education into operation in full scale.

It is one of the priorities in the year 2005 to enhance and improve the ideological and moral education of school students, and the ideological and political education of college students. At the strategic height of cultivating socialist builders and successors through education, we will fully implement the CPC guidelines for education, accelerate the establishment and betterment of a moral education system that connects schools and colleges, perfecting a moral education mechanism that links the school, family and the community so that the competence-oriented education could be further pushed forward.

Education authorities and leadership of schools at various levels should be exemplary in moral education endeavors and truly realize the "four incorporation": first, moral education should be incorporated into the agenda of educational authority at all levels to further consolidate leadership; second, it should be incorporated in all works of schools to perfect the mechanism for moral education, maintain a contingent of moral educators and guarantee the funding for moral education; third, it should be incorporated in the teachers to vigorously strengthen a contingent of chief teachers in schools and counselor in colleges, so that moral education becomes a self-conscious actions of all teachers; fourth, it should also be incorporated in the curriculum and textbooks, with compilation of a series of quality textbooks for moral and political education with concentrated efforts.

The curriculum reform in basic education is a critical link to pushing forward the competence-oriented education. We will continue to disseminate the achievements of curriculum reform in compulsory education, steadily push forward curriculum reform experiments in senior secondary schools, and truly alleviate the burden of school students. In these respects, three aspects of work stand out to be our focuses: first is to seriously study the ways to shift smoothly from the old curriculum to the new one, and find out a solution to conduct the senior secondary school entrance examinations and college entrance examinations based on the new curriculum; second is to improve and better the compilation, assessment and adoption of textbooks; third is to institute a quality monitoring system and evaluation mechanism for basic education as soon as possible. To further accelerate the curriculum reform in basic education, the Ministry of Education will commission a national steering committee for education and instruction in basic education.

To advocate the all-rounded development and healthy growth of young students, we will fully push forward a youth fitness program based on "one-hour physical exercise a day". At the same time, we will continue to strengthen arts education, advocate mental health education and extensively conduct anti-drug programs and programs aimed at the prevention of AIDS.

II. Consistently place rural education as the top priority

The strengthening of rural education is a long and arduous historic task. In 2005, we need to press forward in three aspects:

First, to exert more efforts in realization of the "Two Basics," ensure implementation of the measures stipulated in the Breakthrough Program of the "Two Basics" in Western China, guarantee funds for construction projects such as building boarding schools, coordinate the implementation of the Modern Distance Education Project for Rural Schools. Taking advantage of the measures such as Grant for Subsidy to give more support to the central region, especially the main grain-producing areas, so that the provinces in this region will provide more support to education, strengthen the quality improvement of compulsory education. Encouragement will be made to the economically developed eastern provinces to achieve a high-quality, high-level nine-year compulsory education.

Second, to adapt to the taxation reform in the rural areas and deepen the reform in the county-based rural compulsory education administration system. Efforts will be made to supervise the county government fulfill its responsibility in development planning, funds allocation and the personnel management of school principals and teachers. The method of fiscal payment transfer will be further improved and regulated to meet the requirements of "guarantee salary, operation and security," and to consolidate and improve a fund guarantee mechanism for rural compulsory education with government input as the main source. Acceleration will be achieved in the comprehensive reform of rural education to push forward "Coordination of three educations," the blending of agriculture, science and education and to make rural education better serve the countryside, agriculture and farmers.

Third, to actually strengthen the construction of a contingent of teachers for the rural areas. Local governments will be urged to make full use of the teaching positions with a strict entrance screening process, to further better the assessment and contractual assignment system for teachers in the rural areas. Endeavors will be made to actively push forward the personnel management reform in schools, rotating teachers in towns and cities to teach in rural areas to promote teacher mobility, and to implement training programs for all teachers to further improve the qualifications of rural teachers. And of course we should also rigorously strengthen the program for the improvement of teachers' ethics.

III. Advance the reform and development of vocational education in an all-round and speedy manner

Currently, as the national economy is at the threshold of another phase of rapid growth, it poses even greater demand on skilled manpower. In 2005, on one hand, we will increase the annual enrolment of new students of secondary vocational schools by another 1 million based on the 2004 figure, that is to reach 6.5 million, so as to achieve a coordinated development of senior secondary education featuring approximately equal numbers of students in senior secondary schools for general education and for vocational training. On the other hand, we must continue to enforce the Project of Training Direly-needed Skilled Manpower for Manufacturing and Modern Service Industries and the Project of Training for Migrant Rural Labor, commit more to the building of internship bases for vocational education, and support the building of at least one vocational training center in every county.

The solution to vocational education lies in reform. We will persist in service-aiming and job-orientation, so as to make vocational education more adaptable to the economy and society. In doing so, we must first step up the "three changes," that is, change our mindset of the functions of vocational schools and further clarify their positioning and orientation; change from the traditional modes of running vocational schools to a tailored one so as to better adapt to the economic and social development; and change the provision of vocational education to more open and flexible approaches. Second, we must lay more emphasis on both career ethics and skills in vocational education and quicken our paces in establishing the system of on-campus and corporate internship. Third, we must carry out the "two-dockings," that is, the docking of vocational education and training with the job market for the purpose of integrating production and learning and the smooth communication between vocational education and intermediately services, and the docking of labor-exporting areas and labor-importing areas.

A number of important strategic measures will be also formulated to speed up reform and development of vocational education. We will persist in the policies of no public secondary vocational school and tertiary vocational college being upgraded to higher level of status; tertiary vocational college offering two-year programs; encouraging urban schools to enroll students in the countryside and schools in the east to enroll students from the west and cross-region two-way cooperation and joint-running of schools; supporting and promoting reform in the introduction of academic credits system and speeding up the establishment of the "credit banks" for students to facilitate the easy transfer between work and study; promote development of non-government vocational schools and training institutions.

IV. Improve the quality of talents training, capability in technological innovation, and level of social service of higher education.

In 2005, the general higher education will enroll 4.75 million freshmen for bachelor and sub-degree programs, 370,000 students for graduate programs including 316,000 master degree candidates and 54,000 doctoral degree candidates. Higher education will continue to acquire support by rendering service and maintain development by making contributions, concert efforts in promoting reform and innovation to do a better job in talents training, technological innovation and social service. We will achieve this by focusing on the following four aspects:

First, we will further push forward the Project of Higher Education Quality and Teaching Reform to strengthen classroom instruction, to substantially raise the quality of education. Rules and regulations regarding teaching must be strictly abided by. Full professors and associate professors must offer lessons to undergraduate students. We will further promote the accumulation and sharing of quality teaching resources by focusing on compiling 300 national level model courses. Investment in teaching will also be further strengthened and it is required that 20 percent of tuition fees will be used in instruction. The five-year rotating quality assessment will be implemented so as to build a sound quality supervision and assurance system. We must also do a good job in selecting the awardees of the Fifth National Excellent Teachers.

Second, we will continue to implement the "985 Project" and the "211 Project," further carry out the University Technological Innovation Plan and the University Philosophical and Social Sciences Prosperity Plan, so as to promote the integration of production, learning, and research; to facilitate integration of higher education with economic development and technological innovation, with cultural prosperity and social progress; to train top-notch innovative personnel; to improve capability in technological innovation and level of social service of higher education; and to raise the universities competitiveness.

Third, we will make efforts to implement the strategy of strengthening universities with more talented people and the top-notch innovative talents training project. We will explore new modes of human resource management such as academic leader leading an innovative team and deepen the reform in academic staff employment; to strengthen academic staff improvement by continuing to carry out the Chang-Kieng Scholar Award Program, the Innovative Teams Project, the New Century Outstanding Talents Supporting Project and the Outstanding Young Teachers Training Project; encourage and support students with overseas learning experiences to serve for the motherland, return or not, and construct a green channel for the growth of young talents.

Fourth, we will continue to implement the Project of Innovation in Postgraduate Education to push forward reforms in graduate education. Efforts will be made to introduce reform and innovation in graduate education system; improve the system of supervisor-sponsoring and holding supervisor accountable in training of graduate students; carry out post-responsibility system of research assistant, teaching assistant, and administrative assistant; promote reform of cost-sharing in graduate education; deepen reform in enrolment and selection of graduate students; adjust and perfect the length of schooling of graduate education; support graduate students to participate in research teams and in the research innovation process, so as to raise the educational standard of graduate education.

V. Speed up educational reform and opening-up, and further improve the mechanism of financial input for education.

In terms of deepening educational reforms, the priorities for 2005 are: speeding up rural education reform; advancing the reform in schools running system, and in particular, facilitating the development and regulating the management of non-government education; continuing the efforts in outsourcing the logistic services of universities, and deepening reforms in national college entrance examinations, college student enrollment and tuition-collection; pushing forward system reforms for teacher training and human resource management; and accelerating vigorously endeavors in implementing rule of law and reforming internal administration systems of universities.

In terms of promoting educational opening-up, the focuses for 2005 are: expanding educational exchanges and cooperation, pushing forward mutual recognition of higher education credentials with foreign countries and facilitating "strength-to-strength" cooperation between Chinese and foreign universities; enhancing supervision and management of Sino-foreign cooperatively running of schools and the intermediaries for self-supporting students aspiring to study abroad; intensifying efforts to teach Chinese as a foreign language by vigorously popularizing the Chengo Chinese and the Great Wall Chinese, pushing forward establishment of Confucius Institutes in other countries and making efforts towards increasing the number and improving the quality of teachers for teaching Chinese as a foreign language; scaling up the number of researchers and students going abroad under government scholarship, especially the number of doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers.

Government expenditure on education has gained a remarkable increase in recent years, yet it still cannot satisfy the needs of education for constantly improvement of quality and for sustainable development. In 2005, we should seize the favorable circumstances of rapid revenue growth and the establishment of public financing system and push the local governments to carry out the policy of "three increases" in government expenditure on education based on the actual expenditure. Meanwhile, we should be thrifty when spending on education, manage and control financial investments, strengthen the management and ensure security of education funds, and achieve higher efficiency in use of funds.

VI. Make efforts toward equal access to education and accomplish the tough tasks

In 2005, we are going to concentrate our efforts in four areas:
1. Thoroughly carry out the policy of subsidizing and supporting students from poor families. In compulsory education, we are going to accomplish the provision of free textbooks to 24 million students from low-income families, and urge the local governments to fulfill their responsibility of "One exemption and One Subsidy" (exemption of miscellaneous fee and subsidy for boarding). In higher education, we are going to implement new policies concerning state student loan in full scale, and improve management of the state student loan funding and carry out policies on work-study programs, special aids, tuition exemption, etc.
2. Vigorously strengthen school security, explore new mechanisms to achieve this goal, further improve the surroundings of schools and refine the Internet service, so as to provide a better environment for the healthy growth of young students.
3. Spare no effort in facilitating employment of college graduates. The number of college graduates in 2005 is estimated to total 3.38 million, a 20.71 percent increase over that of 2004. This calls for more intensified efforts in this regard.
4. Continue to strengthen the efforts against random charges of schools and work on rectifying the working style of the Party and building an honest and clean government in the education sector. "One Fee for All" will be introduced to all schools of compulsory education nationwide. The policy of "Three Limits" will be applied to high schools to regulate their behaviors in enrolling students from non-designated area. Efforts will continue to be made in controlling tuition charge standard and behaviors in higher education. We will vigorously carry out the "Sunshine Project" in the student recruitment process for higher education to ensure openness and transparency as well as efficient supervision by the public and public opinion.

Another important and strategic task for the Ministry of Education in 2005 is to conduct research and draft the "Outline for the Development of China's Education 2020". In the Outline, we will define and lay out the fundamentals for educational reform and development, and frame a blueprint for a modern educational system with Chinese characteristics by taking as guidance the scientific viewpoints to development, following the requirements raised by building an all-rounded well-off society and implementing the strategy of reinvigorating the country through science and education and the strategy of strengthening the nation through skilled manpower.




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