双边协议 bilateral agreements 基德级驱逐舰 Kidd-class destroyers P3-C“猎户座”反潜艇侦察机 P-3C Orion aircraft 柴油动力潜艇 diesel submarines MH-53E扫雷直升机 MH-53E minesweeping helicopters “复仇者”地对空导弹系统 Avenger surface-to-air missile system 潜射和水射鱼雷 submarine-launched and surface-launched torpedoes
“一个中国”原则 one-China policy 臭名昭著的分裂主义者 infamous separatist 李登辉 Lee Teng-hui 幕后操纵 wire-puller 台独分子 Taiwan's pro-independence
中美三个联合公报 the three Sino-US joint communiques 《与台湾关系法》 the Taiwan Relations Act 关于和平解决台湾问题的8点声明 an eight-point statement on the peaceful settlement of the Taiwan question 世界上只有一个中国,台湾是中国不可分割的一部分 There is only one China, and Taiwan is an integral part of China. “中国人不应该打中国人。” Chinese should not fight fellow Chinese.
对台军售助长了“台独”势力的气焰 instigate pro-independence forces in Taiwan 中美关系的基础 the premise for Sino-US relations. 麦卡锡政策 the McCarthy style of the provocative stance 全方位的停滞 a full-blown deadlock 承诺要坚持“一个中国”的原则 maintain the adherence to the one-China policy 言行一致 make their deeds square with their words 不应该插手台湾问题 keep its hands off Taiwan