World Cup世界杯
FIFA(Federation Internationale de Football Association国际足联
football,soccer,association football足球
field,pitch足球场 midfield中场
penalty area禁区 goalkeeper,goaltender,goalie守门员
back后卫 left back左后卫 right back右后卫 centre half back中卫 half back前卫 left half back左前卫
right half back右前卫 forward前锋 centre forward,centre中锋
wingerwing,wing forward边锋 libero自由人
substitute候补队员 referee裁判
red card红牌 yellow card黄牌
The goal is disallowed进球无效 foul play严重犯规
bicycle kick,overhead kick倒钩球 corner ball,corner角球
goal kick球门球
hand ball手球 header头球
penalty kick点球 free kick任意球 fair charge合理冲撞 close-marking defence盯人防守 deceptive movement假动作 slide tackle铲球 toshoot射门 mishit未射中 offside越位
to pass the ball传球 to break through带球过人