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国家税务总局局长 谢旭人

















  [中央电视台记者] 2004年我国税收增长达到25.7%,GDP增长是9%以上,税收增长远远高于GDP增幅,您认为这正常吗?

  [谢旭人] 总的来看,2004年税收收入增长较快,是国民经济快速增长和企业经济效益大幅提高的反映。各级政府和社会各界对税收工作的支持,全国税务系统推进依法治税、加强税收征管保证了收入增长。广大纳税人依法诚信纳税为国家税收收入增长作出了积极贡献。具体来说,我们对影响税收增长的相关因素,比如经济增长、价格、结构以及征管等方面因素进行了分析,我们认为2004年税收收入较快增长是正常的。






  [道琼斯金融通讯社记者] 什么时候进行内外资企业所得税制合并?

  [谢旭人] 对企业所得税制改革,党的十六届三中全会通过的《决定》中已经提出了总的要求,就是要逐步统一各类企业的税收制度。根据这个要求,近年来财政、税务以及其他有关部门组织力量对改革方案进行了深入的调查研究。在此基础上,今年将继续进行内外资企业所得税制改革方案的研究工作,进一步搞好论证,广泛征求各方面的意见,并根据法定程序办理改革方案研究等方面工作。

  [中央电视台记者] 今年依法治税工作有哪些具体措施?强化税收执法监督的关键是什么?

  [谢旭人] 今年税务部门将坚持依法治税不动摇,采取各种有效措施,切实规范税收执法,努力提高依法征管水平。一是要求广大税务干部特别是各级领导干部深入学习和掌握通用法律法规及各项税法,不断提高依法治税、规范行政的意识,增强执法为民的自觉性。二是严格按照法定权限与程序执行各项税收法律法规和政策,切实维护税法的权威性和严肃性。认真执行税收征管法及其实施细则,完善配套管理办法,规范执法行为。落实依法征税,应收尽收,坚决不收过头税,坚决防止和制止越权减免税的组织收入原则。贯彻行政许可法,深化税务行政审批制度改革。三是强化税收执法监督,认真执行税收执法检查规则,深入开展执法检查,加强执法监察。大力推进税收执法责任制,加强执法过错责任追究。四是进一步整顿和规范税收秩序,加大涉税案件的查处力度,严厉打击虚开和故意接受虚开增值税专用发票与其他可抵扣票,骗取出口退税,利用做假账、两套账和账外经营等手段偷逃税的案件。认真开展税收专项检查,与公安部门联合开展打击制售假发票等违法犯罪专项治理。严格欠税管理,认真执行欠税公告制度,大力清缴欠税。五是大力加强税法宣传教育,开展第14个全国税收宣传月活动,提高纳税人依法诚信纳税意识。


  [香港文汇报记者] 去年下半年东北地区实行的增值税转型试点,效果如何?什么时候会在全国推开?有没有具体的时间表?另外,关于燃油税,这些年每年都说是择机而行,今年有没有别的说法?具体会在什么时候推进?现在有没有规划?

  [谢旭人] 根据中央确定的振兴东北老工业基地的总体要求,从去年下半年开始,国家在东北地区的部分行业率先进行了增值税转型改革试点,也就是扩大增值税抵扣的范围,允许企业7月1日以后投资购入机器设备所含的增值税款在缴纳增值税时予以扣除。具体包括装备制造业、石油化工业、冶金业、船舶制造业、汽车制造业、农产品加工业等行业的增值税一般纳税人。根据转型改革试点要求,东北地区税务部门积极贯彻实施,审核认定了能享受优惠政策的企业名单,及时审核认证企业申报的设备抵扣发票,在去年10月底和12月底分两次给企业办理抵扣和退税。据统计,去年办理抵扣退税12.8亿元。除了增值税转型改革试点工作外,对东北地区企业的所得税前扣除项目做了必要的调整,减轻企业负担。




  [中国国际广播电台记者] 去年国务院作出了出口退税机制改革的决定,请问一年来出口退税机制改革实施情况如何,效果如何?

  [崔俊慧] 2003年10月,国务院作出改革出口退税机制的决定。为了贯彻好国务院决定,国家税务总局和财政部、商务部、海关总署等部门密切配合,做了大量的工作。我们下发了几十个贯彻决定的配套文件,印发了《致出口企业纳税人的一封信》,先后派出了11个督导组到各地督促落实国务院的决定。我们在严防骗税案件发生的前提下,适当改革了出口退税管理制度,简化了出口退税申报单证,同时也简化了企业申报和税务部门审核的有关程序。各级税务部门还进一步转变服务观念,主动帮助企业办理出口退税,加快出口退税进度。2004年全国共办理出口退税4200亿元,比2003年增加了2161亿元。其中,办理2003年12月31日以前发生的欠退税2004亿元,办理2004年新出口货物退税和免抵调库2196亿元,实现了国务院提出的“老账要还、新账不欠”的目标。




  [中国财经报记者] 去年我们国家税收实现增长25.7%,在2005年,我们是否依然能够保持这样的高增长?2005年我们的税收目标是什么?

  [谢旭人] 2005年税收工作总体目标之一,就是提高税收征管的质量和效率,确保税收收入随经济发展而稳定增长。2005年税收收入增长具备不少有利条件。在中央进一步加强和改善宏观调控下,经过各方面的努力,今年国民经济将保持稳定较快增长,这将为税收收入增长奠定一个良好的基础。在税收征管方面所采取的各种措施将会继续发挥作用,同时要针对各种薄弱环节进一步采取加强征管的新措施,这都有利于促进税收增长。但是今年税收收入增长也有一些不确定因素和困难。比如,有一些行业原来发展过热,随着宏观调控措施的逐步发挥作用,这些行业的增长将会放缓,相应地税收收入增长也会减缓。从去年下半年特别是四季度开始,钢铁、水泥等行业税收增长幅度减缓趋势已经比较明显。已经采取的加强征管的措施的增收空间会逐渐缩小。分步实施税制改革,落实各项税收优惠政策尤其是支持东北老工业基地振兴的政策,将形成一定减收。去年收入总量较大,其中有一些是清理缓税等一次性收入,今年收入增幅会低一些。此外,价格等不确定因素,也将影响今年收入增长。总的看来,今年税收收入仍将保持稳定增长,但是增幅会降低。税务部门将进一步贯彻落实国家对税收工作的各项要求,大力推进依法治税,切实加强税收征管,努力提高税收征管的质量和效率,努力做好各方面工作,促进税收收入稳定增长。也希望新闻界的朋友们继续关心和支持税收工作。

  [第一财经日报记者] 国家税务总局近期有没有调整证券交易印花税的计划?国务院关于推进资本市场发展的九条意见中,制定了鼓励投资的政策,国家税务总局在这方面有何进展?

  [谢旭人] 近年来,国家出台了一系列税收政策,支持资本市场的健康发展。比如,先后对封闭式投资基金、开放式投资基金,从营业税、所得税、印花税等方面给予了一系列税收优惠。从2001年起,已经将证券交易印花税税率从原来的千分之四下调到千分之二。去年,财政部、国家税务总局贯彻《国务院关于推进资本市场改革开放和稳定发展的若干意见》精神,进一步制定了一些税收优惠政策。从今年1月1日起,准许上海、深圳证券交易所代收的证券交易监管费和上海、苏州、大连期货交易所代收的期货市场监管费,从营业税计税依据中扣除;准许期货经纪公司为期货交易所代收的手续费和证券公司为证券交易所代收的证券交易监管费、代理他人买卖证券代收的证券交易所经手费、为中国证券登记结算公司代收的股东账户开户费等,从营业税计税依据中扣除;准许中国证券登记结算公司按规定提取的证券结算风险基金等,从营业税计税依据中扣除。这些税收政策措施将减轻证券、期货公司的税收负担,促进其健康发展。为了深入贯彻《国务院关于推进资本市场改革开放和稳定发展的若干意见》,进一步促进资本市场稳定发展,目前有关部门还在继续就完善资本市场税收政策问题做积极深入的调查研究。

At the press conference held by the State Council Information Office on January 11, 2005, Xie Xuren, commissioner of the State Administration of Taxation, reviewed the taxation in 2004 and talked about the plans for 2005. He also answered the questions from the press.

Review of Taxation in 2004 and Plan for 2005

By Mr. Xie Xuren, commissioner of the State Administration of Taxation

January 11, 2005


Happy New Year, ladies and gentlemen,

This time last year, I had the opportunity to share with you the views on the issue of taxation and it is my pleasure to meet you all again today. I hereby, on behalf of the State Administration of Taxation, thank you for your care and support for China taxation. Now, I would like to brief you on the tax revenue mobilization of the People's Republic of China in 2004 and the major mission of tax administration in 2005.

According to the latest statistics, the total tax revenue of the People's Republic of China that has been remitted to the state coffer in 2004 hit RMB 2.5718 trillion yuan (excluding tariff revenues and agricultural tax revenue), growing 25.7% or 525.6 billion yuan over the previous year. Both the total volume of tax revenue and the tax revenue growth are historic breakthroughs. The ratio of tax revenue to GDP (gross domestic product) was around 19%, approximately 1.5 percentage points up over the previous year. The improvement of the state financial strength as a result of the rapid revenue growth has made positive contributions to boost the development of the economy and society.

In the year 2004, total tax rebates of 420 billion yuan were granted nationwide, growing by 106% or 216.1 billion yuan. Among the total amount of tax rebates granted, 200.4 billion yuan was the rebate arrears aggregate prior to 2003 and all the rebate aggregate was settled. 219.6 billion yuan of rebates and treasury adjustment of the current year were processed respectively, which has vigorously promoted foreign trade and exports.

The rapid 2004 revenue growth is firstly attributable to the speedy national economic growth and the improved quality of economic performance and sharply enhanced corporate efficiency. The nationwide campaign carried out at different levels of tax authorities to promote tax administration within law and implement scientific and precision tax management has stimulated the rapid growth of revenue. The revenue growth was also due to the robust support from all walks of life of the society and to the contribution of all taxpayers honestly honoring their tax obligations as well.

Achievements have been scored in other areas along with the successful revenue mobilization. The revenue mobilization principle of tax administration within law, all taxes due to be collected in full, no taxes to be collected in advance and no unauthorized granting of tax reduction and exemption was strictly maintained. Serious efforts were made to implement Law of Administrative Licensing and deepen the reform of administrative approval system. Great efforts were made to regulate and standardize taxation order and more efforts were made to settle the tax rebate arrears and publicize tax laws. Tax reforms continued in an all-round manner. The reform of tax rebate system strongly promoted foreign trade exports.

Fee-to-tax reform was deepened, agricultural tax was either repealed or agricultural tax rate was reduced. Agricultural specialty tax (except that on tobacco) was abolished. The pilot program of VAT (value Added Tax) conversion was launched in the northeast industrial base. Tax administration system was improved and the reform of internal management was deepened. Measures of using tax as a regulatory instrument and preferential tax policies were well implemented. Preferential tax policies for development zones were sorted out and taxation order of iron and steel, cement and electrolytic aluminum was standardized.

A series of farmer-related incentive policies were implemented and tax incentive policies were launched to promote reemployment of the laid-offs, support revitalization of the northeast industrial base, progress of the western region of China and development of high-tech industries. Great efforts were made to strengthen tax administration with the system of tax controllers improved, tax assessment promoted and supervision of tax sources intensified. Management of all taxes was strengthened to address the weak links.

Computerization of tax administration was accelerated with the pace of information integration quickened. Taxpayer service was improved with taxpayer counseling strengthened, accountability system adopted and the mechanism of 'one-stop' service launched. The policy requiring general taxpayers engaged in exports to make advance tax payment was abolished. The internal administrative management was constantly standardized, the establishment of the system of internal administrative management was promoted and the administrative governance efficiency was enhanced. Quality and competence of tax officials were further improved. The building of a strong leadership team was enhanced, education of tax officers was intensified, building of a clean government was further promoted and the spirit of seeking truth from facts was emphasized. All these achievements were attributable to the correct leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the State Council, the great efforts made by all tax officers nationwide and the support from all walks of life including the press and taxpayers.

It would have significant implications to do a good job of taxation as the year 2005 is an important year when the concept of scientific development will be implemented, the results of macro-control will be consolidated and the sound economic and social development trend will be maintained. It is also a year for the objectives of the 10th five-year plan to be realized in an all-round way and for the 10th five-year plan and the 11th five-year plan to be linked. A national tax conference was recently held to draw up a blueprint and deploy all kinds of efforts of tax administration in 2005.

The overall plan for the mission of this year is set as follows: under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of "Three Represents" and with conscientious implementation of the spirits of the 16th CPC Congress, the 3rd and 4th Plenary Sessions of the 16th CPC Central Committee and the Economic Meeting of the Central Committee, the concept of scientific development will be fully implemented in the area of taxation and the principle of wealth to be collected for the state and law to be enforced for the people will be adhered to. Taxation within law will be further promoted and tax reform will be steadily carried out. Scientific management in an all-round way will be intensified and the building of a strong taxation team will be substantially strengthened. The steady growth of tax revenue must be ensured and the regulatory function of taxation on economy and distribution will be brought into full display. All the set objectives shall be fulfilled successfully to contribute to the development of economy and society.

In line with the above blueprint, the fundamental goal of tax administration in 2005 is as follows: (1) improving quality and efficiency of tax administration to ensure the steady tax revenue growth in line with the economic development; (2) deepening tax reforms to implement all types of tax policies and ensure gradual improvement in areas of tax regimes, administration system and internal management to enhance the regulatory function of taxation on economy and distribution; (3) strengthening the improvement of governance capacity of tax authorities to enhance the competence of tax administrators and bring a new image to tax authorities. The specific efforts will be focused on the following areas:

Standardizing order of taxation to further promote taxation within law. It is our unswerving goal to maintain taxation within law and all efforts shall be made to introduce effective measures to regulate tax law enforcement and improve the level of tax administration within law.

The enforcement of tax laws and policies will be handled in strict accordance with authorized legal power and procedures to maintain the integrity of tax laws. Serious efforts will be made to implement Law of Tax Collection and Administration and its Detailed Implementation Rules. Management measures that correspond with the above law will be made to standardize law enforcement. The revenue mobilization principle of implementing taxation within law, all taxes due to be collected in full and no taxes to be collected in advance and preventing unauthorized granting of tax incentives shall be adhered to.

Law of Administrative Licensing will be implemented and the reform of tax administrative approval system will be deepened. Monitoring of tax law enforcement will be intensified and conscientious efforts will be made to carry out rules of inspection of tax law enforcement.

Great efforts will be made to promote the system of tax law enforcement responsibility and accountability. More efforts will be made to regulate and standardize the order of taxation and investigate tax-related crimes.

Severe crackdown will be made on VAT overstatement and acceptance of overstated VAT invoices and other documents against which credit may be granted for tax rebate fraud and also the tax evasion cases in which falsified accounts, two separate accounts and outside-account operation are practiced.

Special campaign of tax inspection will be launched and tax-related criminal cases involving making and selling of falsified invoices will be cracked down by tax authorities in cooperation with public security department. The matter of tax arrears will be strictly handled, the system of publicizing taxpayers owing tax payment will be implemented and great efforts will be made to sort out tax arrears. The 14th Tax Publicity Month will be carried out.

Steadily carrying out tax reforms and constantly improving tax regimes, administration system and internal management mechanism. Efforts will be made to steadily push forward the reform of tax system, further improve tax rebate system, implement all kinds of measures of tax rebating system and accelerate the processing of tax rebates and treasury adjustment.

Rural fee-to-tax reform will be further promoted, exemption of agricultural tax will be expanded and more efforts will be made to grant tax deduction. The pilot program of VAT conversion in selected industries in Northeast China will be made better. Active efforts will be made to study the reform of tax regimes. Efforts will also be made to implement tax incentives to ensure the reemployment of the laid-offs, support the revitalization of the old northeast industrial base, develop the western region of China and encourage the development of high- and new-tech industries.

More efforts will be made to improve tax administration system, regulate both internal and external tax organizational arrangements, clearly define responsibility and division of labor, optimize business procedures and do a good job of coordination and cooperation. The reform of internal management and personnel system will be deepened and the reform of the system of labor distribution will be gradually carried out.

Enhancing scientific and precision management and raising quality and efficiency of tax administration. Tax analysis will be strengthened and management measures will be made to address any identified problems. The reform of tax controllers will be improved and management of tax sources will be strengthened. Tax assessment methods will be improved and in-depth tax assessment of enterprises will be undertaken.

Tax-monitoring meters will be widely applied in the industries of retailing, services, entertainment, catering and transports to strictly exercise oversight of the instruments of counter-falsification of VAT invoices. Parallel with the wide-use of tax-monitoring meters, the practice of prize-winning invoices will be actively promoted. All taxes will be strictly administered to address the weak links in taxation. The management of VAT will be strengthened in line with the requirements of controlling taxes by invoices, verifying by computerized network, monitoring tax sources and comprehensive management. Efforts will be made to improve the monitoring of tax sources, deepen tax assessment, enhance the annual settlement of income tax liability, implement classified management and improve the administration of corporate income tax. The management of individual income tax will be intensified in accordance with the approach of 'establishing four systems, setting up one network and strengthening three types of management.'

The management of other taxes will also be strengthened. Accelerated pace will be taken in tax computerization to ensure information integration, promote the extensive application of integrated administrative software and improve the database focusing on individual taxpayers. Constant efforts will be made to improve and optimize taxpayer services and strengthen taxpayer consulting. One-stop service will be launched in an all-round manner and 'eight transparencies' will be strongly promoted nationwide.

Sticking to the people-oriented approach to strengthen the building of a strong team of tax administrators. The building of a strong leadership team will be strengthened. Great importance will be attached to Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of 'Three Represents'.

The overall implementation of the concept of scientific development will be launched and the theoretical competence of Marxism of tax officers will be substantially raised. Serious study of the spirit of the 4th Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Congress will be carried out and the cultivation of governance capacity will be strengthened. The supervision of the leadership will be strengthened and the supervision tour will be launched nationwide. The system of political study will be improved and extensive education and training will be carried out. The study of the exemplar advanced role of CPC members will be launched.

The system of preventing and punishing corruption characterized by overall management and both external and internal treatment with priority on prevention and in line with realistic conditions of tax agencies will be set up to improve the building of a clean government agency. The cultivation of work style will be accelerated and the spirit of seeking truth from facts will be pushed forward. The mentality of keeping pace with the time and pressing forward in an innovative manner will be maintained. Concerted efforts will be made to fulfill our goal.

Now my colleagues and I would be very pleased to answer your questions.




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